IEEE Article Template with Bibliography as Bibitem

This LaTeX template is designed for authors who are submitting a paper to an IEEE conference. It includes the necessary formatting and sections required by IEEE, such as the title, abstract, introduction, related work, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, and acknowledgments. Additionally, the template includes a bibliography that is formatted as bibitem entries.

One advantage of using bibitem entries is that they can be included directly in the LaTeX document, making it easier for authors to manage their citations without needing a separate BibTeX file. However, if you prefer to use a BibTeX file, you can easily modify the template to do so.

In addition to the LaTeX template, we will also provide an IEEE conference paper class file (.cls), which can be used to customize the template even further. This class file includes additional formatting options that can be used to modify the appearance of the paper, such as the font size, line spacing, and margins.

Overall, this template is a great starting point for authors who are new to LaTeX or who are submitting a paper to an IEEE conference for the first time. With its comprehensive formatting and easy-to-use bibitem bibliography, authors can focus on writing high-quality content for their paper without having to worry about the technical details of formatting their document.